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With Docker

docker build -t unweaver

With pip or poetry

Non-Python prerequisites

Unweaver depends on the following software packages in order to run:

  • SQLite: A file-based SQL database and the format of the routable GeoPackage created by unweaver.
  • SpatiaLite: An extension for SQLite that adds geospatial support.
  • GDAL: A common geospatial library for reading/writing geodata formats.
  • proj4: A common geospatial library for managing map (re)projections.

Platform-specific prerequisites installation

On a Mac using Homebrew:

brew install sqlite libspatialite gdal proj

(See this troubleshooting on Mac section if you still can't load SQLite extensions with unweaver)

On a debian-based distribution:

apt install libsqlite3 libspatialite libgdal libproj

Enable SQLite extension support in Python

Python may be distributed with or without SQLite and extensions support. For example, if you are using pyenv to manage your Python installation, you will need to ensure it is built with flags enable SQLite support.

Unweaver is build with the poetry toolkit. When Unweaver is properly released on PyPI, installing the module will be as simple as running poetry add unweaver. For now, it must be installed from this repository. This can be done using either with poetry (ideal) or pip (for backwards compatibility).

With pip:

This can be done with a one-liner:

pip install git+

Where the @ entry is the commit. This can also be set to a branch name.

With poetry:

Edit your pyproject.toml to include a line like this under [tool.poetry.dependencies]:

unweaver = {git = "", rev = "f9f4bed"}

You can choose rev to be whatever git commit hash you want to use.